Today I Learned (20181105)

about JavaScript Object

function iConstructor(tag, href){
	if(arguments.length > 1){
		this.tag = arguments[0]
		this.href = arguments[1]
const instance = new iConstructor()
iConstructor.prototype.r = function(){
	// do something with the object
	// iConsttructor's attribute here


about primitive type:
Number, Boolean, String,null and undefined (sec. 3.4
all of which are immutable
technically speaking only objects have methods,
but Number, Boolean, String also do
(‘cause they can be wrapped

about object type:
object is the collection of property,
every property consists of a name/value,
class object:
collection of objects defined by constructor funtion
(some common class object defined by JavaScript:
Array, Function(VIO), Date, RegExp, Error
Global object
全局属性,如undefined, Infinity, NaN
全局函数,如isNaN(), parseInt, eval()
构造函数,如Date(), RegExp(), String(), Array(), Object()
全局对象,如Math, JSON 在最上层(所有函数体以外)可以通过this引用它
(ES2015以上有所区别,check about it later)

more about type convert: sec. 3.8

some JavaScript Browser API methods

// a function, execute when the page finished loading
// create an element taged with String arguments
// some DOM operation: 

some JavaScript style guide

通过if(), &&, type convert判断是否会引起undefined或者type error再调用

	// ie

// ******saved input in localStorage******
const inputBars = document.getElementsByTagName("input")

function save(){
	if(window.localStorage && localStorage.SOMETHING)
		for(int i = 0; i < inputBars.length-1; i++)
			SOMETHING[inputBars[i].name] = inputBars[i].value

window.onload = function(){
	if(window.localStorage && localStorage.SOMETHING)
		for(int i = 0; i < inputBars.length-1; i++){
				inputBars[i].value = SOMETHING[inputBars[i].name]

optional divides ‘,’
JavaScript并不是在所有换行处都填补分号,而是没有分号就无法解析的时候才填补分号 e.g. :

const y = x + f
// => const y = x + f(a+b).toString();


return, break, continue 以及 ++, --


just sth about CSS class

var list = document.querySelector('ul');
list.addEventListener('click', function(ev) {
  if( === 'LI') {'done'); 
}, false);

some confusing facts

JavaScript使用 IEEE-754 浮点数表示法(一种二进制表示法
1/2, 1/4, 1/1024 都可以精确表示
但是1/10, 1/1000 这样的十进制分数无法精确表示,只能表示近似值

const f1 = .3 - .2
const f2 = .2 - .1
f1 == f2 // => false
f1 == .1 // => false
f2 == .1 // => true

解决办法: 涉及金融计算尽量用整数避免使用小数

只有 undefined, null, 0, -0, NaN, "" (也被统称为falsy value)会被转换成 false.
所有其他值,包括所有对象都会转换成 true

null & undefined
null 是关键字,用于表示数字,串,对象值只为空,对其执行typeof返回'object'
undefined 不是关键字,表示变量未初始化,对其执行typeof返回'undefined'

null == undefined // => true , 应该用 === 来区分它们



值|(转为:)字符串|数字|布尔值|对象 —|—|—|—|— undefined|”undefined”|NaN|fasle|throws TypeError null|”null”|0|false|throws TypeError true|”true”|1||new Boolean(true) false|”false”|0||new Boolean(false) ““(空字符串)||0|false|new String(“”) NaN|”NaN”||false|new Number(NaN) Infinity|”Infinity”||true|new Number(Infinity) [] » (任意数组)|”“|0|true| [9]|”9”|9|true| [‘a’]|调用join|NaN|true Number to String & String to Number

const x = 100.129  
x.toString(10) // 转成10进制  
x.toFixed(2) // => 100.13  精确到小数点后2位  
x.toExponential(2)  // => 1.00E2 科学计数法小数点后2位  
x.toPrecision(5) // => 100.13  5位有效数字  
Number('100.129') // 参数仅限十进制,不能有非法尾随字符  
parseInt('   1001.29 sd gundam ') // => 1 忽略左起任意位空格,识别连续的尽可能多的数字,忽略后面的内容  
parseInt('.134') // => NaN 第一个非空格不是数字直接返回NaN  
Boolean(new Boolean(false)) // => true  

Object to Number & String
( to number时,若valueOf()返回值不是原生值,调用toString(),仍然不是,throws Type Error
( to string时,若toString()返回值不是原生值,调用valueOf(),仍然不是,throws Type Error
, ==, != 运算符会执行这种对象到原始值的转化,其他运算符比较明确

Function Scope, Hoisting(声明提前)
as the titles indicates…
Scope Chain:
当JavaScript需要查找变量x的值时(variable resolution), 它会从链中的第一个对象开始查找, 找到则使用, 没找到则下一个…
defining a function will save a scope chain.
calling a func will create a new obj to store local variables of the func and add it to the chain, then create a new longer chain(function invocation scope).



== & !== (相等与不等运算符)
NaN与任何对象都不等,包括自己 (判断是否为NaN: x!==x,isNaN()

>, <, >=, <= (比较运算符)

in, instanceof, 原型链
* **关于eval
eval(“2+3”) // => 5

|直接调用(eval())|间接调用(geval = eval) —|—|— 作用域|调用eval()的上下文作用域|全局对象(无法读,写,定义局部变量,函数)

identifier: statements
语句的标签,可以在别处引用(break, continue跳转


also known as ‘hash’, ‘hashtable’, ‘dictionary’, ‘associative array’
prototypal inheritance, prototype chain

  1. property attributes [value(get), writable(set), enumerable, configurable]
  2. object attributes [class, prototype, extensible flag]
    Object Type:

Property Type

How To Create

  1. {} // 直接量创建 prototype: Object.prototype
  2. new Constructor() // 构造方法创建 prototype: Constructor.prototype
  3. Object.create(SOME_PROTOTYPE) // 根据prototype创建
  4. based on 2 and 3:
	if(p == null) throw TypeError()
	if(Object.create) return Object.create(p)
	var t = typeof p
	if( t !== 'object' && t !== 'function') throw TypeError()
	function f(){}
	f.prototype = p
	return new f()

Get and Set

  1. 属性访问运算符: ., []
  2. 检查属性: in » hasOwnProperty() » propertyIsEnumerable()
  3. 枚举: for(in) » Object.keys() (based on for(in)) » Object.getOwnPropertyNames()
  4. getter & setter:
    • { get accessor_prop(){ /* do something */ }; } // 直接量
      1. Object.defineProperty(obj, propName, propDesciptorObj) // define one
      2. Object.defineProperties(objID, {propName: propDescriptor}) // define a lot

Talk is Cheap, Show Me The Code

Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'deepClone', {
	writable: true,
	configurable: false,
	extensible: true,
	value: function(o){
		var p = {}
		var names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(o)
		for(var desc, int i = 0; i < names.length; i++){
			// if(names[i] in p) continue; // don't know if it will help
			desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(names[i])
			Object.defineProperty(p, names[i], desc)
		return p


obj.constructor.prototype // 获取obj的prototype (ES3 ver.
Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) // 获取obj的prototype (ES5 ver.
proto_obj.isPrototypeOf(obj) // obj是否在proto_obj原型链上 (作用类似instanceof运算符
__proto__ // Mozilla的JavaScript对外暴露了这个用于直接查询/设置prototype

可以通过调用来显示obj的class attribute, 通常为'[object SOMETHING]' // .slice(8, -1)即类名SOMETHING


  1. host
  2. port
  3. protocol


how to call it

  1. call as a func,
  2. call as a method,
  3. call as a construct func,
  4. call by call() and apply(), which can pass the value of this from one context to another.
    embedded functions have access to the parent context:
    how =>

all about this

In most case, the value of this in a func depends on how a function is called, and it can’t be set by assignment during execution.
In ES5, there is bind() to set val of this regardless off how it’s called
In ES2015, there is arrow function(=>) which don’t provide their this binding and retains the value of its enclosing lexical context.

simple call
=> if(use strict) this === what it’s setted, undefined by default.
else this === its enclosing lexical context.

arrow function

// Create obj with a method bar that returns a function that
// returns its this. The returned function is created as 
// an arrow function, so its this is permanently bound to the
// this of its enclosing function. The value of bar can be set
// in the call, which in turn sets the value of the 
// returned function.
var obj = {
  bar: function() {
    var x = (() => this);
    return x;

// Call bar as a method of obj, setting its this to obj
// Assign a reference to the returned function to fn
var fn =;

// Call fn without setting this, would normally default
// to the global object or undefined in strict mode
console.log(fn() === obj); // true

// But caution if you reference the method of obj without calling it
var fn2 =;
// Then calling the arrow function this is equals to window because it follows the this from bar.
console.log(fn2()() == window); // true

//how about call directly?
console.log( === obj) // true

called as method
when called as a method, its this will be set to the object the method is called on, wherever the func is defined.
so it is if called as getter, setter or inherited from prototype chain.
but as a constructor, its this will be the created object.

called as eventHandler
this refers to the element the event fired from.
while inline on-eventHandler’s this is set to the element on which it placed on.

arguments, caller & callee
arguments is a special array object, has access to the arguments with argumens[index]
caller & callee is current func caller & the called func

var factoria = function(x){
	if(x===1) return x
	return arguments.callee(x-1)

defined func props
function is kind of special object,
thus can has its own props

function factoria(n){
	if(Number.isFinite(n) && n > 0 && n ){
		factoria[n] = n * factoria[n-1]
		return factoria[n]
factoria[1] = 1

some functional styles

// some func supposed to be called immediately
const val = (function (x){return x * x}(10))
// attention to the ( before 'function', it's required 



thoughts on distraction

  1. 先查下,应该有现成的统计资料; // => ?
  2. 没有的话,有什么可作为参考的统计数据来源?
    • PC,移动端游戏年发行量
    • 地区平均个人游戏时间/人天
    • 社交网络年动态条数
    • 科技发展速度的较客观指标/人口总数(暴力的除法,可按地区/行业划分)

也许根本不存在这种客观指标, 干扰因素太多了…(有




Here are different pieces of CSS, in roughly the order I found most helpful to learn them, although the steps will overlap a bit.

  1. Selection
    know your HTML elements and attributes really well. You will not understand CSS without a good knowledge of HTML. Understanding the tree structure of HTML, the element names, the difference between ids and classes will help you know how to target your styles. Try to structure your HTML so you have to use as few selectors as possible in your CSS, because more selectors require more browser processing and, worse, make it really difficult to override styles for special cases or theme variants.

  2. Basic layout
    know the old school forms of layout: the box model, the difference between block and inline and inline-block, and how these affect padding, border, margin and width. Learn about floats, and when you would want to use them instead of inline block for example. Learn about positioning, especially relative, static, and absolute (fixed is more rare). Also learn the newer flexbox model: it’s sometimes quirky (the last row of justified content is a travesty), but it also can come in handy and save you some of the work in creating a layout yourself in floats, for example. A good exercise is to try to recreate the layout of reasonable complex sites yourself with lots of columns and different types of lists. A good exercise is creative a dropdown menu with only CSS, or a 5 star-rating widget.

  3. Get familiar with other basic rules.
    Rules that aren’t layout are usually pretty straight forward to understand (although animation is a little more complex). Get to know how to style backgrounds, type, shadows, transformations, etc. Lear how to style elements using the fewest possible images to reduce browser load times: when you can use CSS alone and what you have to use images for, how to crop and optimize images and sprite images.

  4. Check out the differences between browsers.
    This is most noticeable in form styling–browsers differ greatly not only in default styles for forms, but even in the style rules they’ll let you apply to various elements, even which elements they support at all.

  5. Learn the hacks/tricks.
    There are a lot of common problems solved over and over again in what you might as a beginner think are slightly tricky ways. One example, which comes up less often than it used to, is when you have to use an image instead of text, how do you keep the actual text on the page for search engines and screen readers? How do you deal with images of different resolutions is a newer problem.

  6. When you understand the fundamentals, start with the advanced tools.
    Learn about CSS preprocessors like Less and Sass, and how to use them efficiently so you don’t end up with ridiculous amounts of code bloat. Learn how to concatenate and minify style sheets, and use automatic spriters and image optimizers. All of these tools are great, but learning the fundamentals yourself first will help you have a thorough knowledge of how the more advanced tools work.

selector types

:nth-child( <nth> [ of <complex-selector-list> ]? )
<nth> = <an-plus-b> | even | odd
<complex-selector-list> = <complex-selector>#

<complex-selector> = <compound-selector> [ <combinator>? <compound-selector> ]*

<compound-selector> = [ <type-selector>? <subclass-selector>* [ <pseudo-element-selector> <pseudo-class-selector>* ]* ]!
<combinator> = '>' | '+' | '~' | [ '||' ]

<type-selector> = <wq-name> | <ns-prefix>? '*'
<subclass-selector> = <id-selector> | <class-selector> | <attribute-selector> | <pseudo-class-selector>
<pseudo-element-selector> = ':' <pseudo-class-selector>
<pseudo-class-selector> = ':' <ident-token> | ':' <function-token> <any-value> ')'

<wq-name> = <ns-prefix>? <ident-token>
<ns-prefix> = [ <ident-token> | '*' ]?  | 
<id-selector> = <hash-token>
<class-selector> = '.' <ident-token>
<attribute-selector> = '[' <wq-name> ']' | '[' <wq-name> <attr-matcher> [ <string-token> | <ident-token> ] <attr-modifier>? ']'

<attr-matcher> = [ '~' |  |  | '^' | '$' | '*' ]? '='
<attr-modifier> = i

cascade & inheritance


  1. importance (!importance after a prop pair
  2. specificity
  3. source order

selector|score(forEach) —|— element & psudo-element|1 class, attribute & psudo-class|10 id|100 inline style props|1000


some property values applied to an element will be inherited by that element’s children, and some won’t. Which prop inherites by default and which don’t is down to common sense (mag, pad, bg-img, font, color for example)

Controlling inheritance

float & clear (disencouraged though

display: float;
how to clear it
.container::after {clear: left | right | both;} .container {overflow: auto; display:flow-root }

(and some other tricks1:
:first-child::before {display: table}
will prevent first-child’s margin-top from combine, or collapse2


position: static (by default in ‘normal flow’
other options include:
relative: relative to static position;
absolute: relative to window, or container( if an ancestor ele isn’t static, relative for example;
fixed: relative to window, or container( if ancestor’s transform|perspective|filter setted, stay where it is;
sticky: relative to window, act like static, but fixed when moved to certain position;

visual formatting model

视觉盒子模型将页面元素转化成0,1或多个符合CSS box model的box, 每个box被下列因素所定义:

box formatting model

a BFC 是一个网页CSS渲染的一部分. 也是块级盒子布局出现, float元素和其他元素交互的区域




想过好几次这个问题该怎么回答, 我就直说了

  1. 效率低,外包项目客户, 上司不满意, 于是被开了
    • 容易沉迷于技术细节, 看文档时容易走神看别的; (但还是技术分享,从不摸鱼!
    • 看着不舒服就写了删删了写, 老是重构; (虽然只是自我感觉良好, 没同事评价
  2. 我也觉得我自己基础挺差的, 项目时间紧压力又大没多少时间自学充电, 离职了正好有整块的时间补一下 (虽然是大学时就该学的基础…) 所以实际上被开了当时还挺轻松的…

你了解TCP/IP ?



(这些概念都不知道你面个🐔🚌前端, 你可以滚了

  1. micro-clearfix-hack by nicolasgallagher 

  2. css-using-displaytable-with-before-pseudo-element